Its been a while since I have posted anything on here and I am soooo glad to be back again! So much has happened since December of 2009. Where do I begin? ok... Well, I am officially a Natural Beauti!! I did my BC (big chop) on May 20, 2010. I was a wonderful experience. :) I did my BC with my friend, Christy and having her there made the process a while lot easier. The photo that I posted here was taken the very next day after doing my BC. Christy had the brilliant idea to do a photo shoot so that we could get a jump start on feeling good about the decision to cut our hair. I decided to cut my hair honestly after a bad breakup. I was just gonna do a short hair style and call it a day. But then I started watching YouTube and I was hooked!! It didnt take long for me to make the decision and move ahead with transitioning.
My last relaxer was on November 6, 2009. And I went to the shop and got my hair done! ooohhh weee was it layed!! lol! :) But the decision was already made. I transitioned for 1 month by just doing rod sets but that was getting old quick. And at the start of the New Year, I added micro braids to the regime to help me. I liked the braids a lot. They helped me not to "see my hair" everyday. I had gotten to the point of seeing the new growth and missing my relaxed hair. So the Micros helped a lot. I wore the micros for 2 1/2 months and when they got too old for me, I gor a Sew-In. It was my 2nd one and I had it cut into a really cute bob style...I was F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!! FABULOUS indeed!! I kept that style for one month and in May, I cut it all off!
Now here I am and I am loving this Journee so far. It has taught me to be patient with my self and my hair. It has given me a new confidence. YOU WILL NEVER MEET ANOTHER NATURAL DIVA LIKE ME BOO!! LOL! Ok,Ok. Just teasing. I am just happy with who I am cause this is who I am supposed to be. Get it? Well, Ill keep you posted on this journee. I plan on doing an update once a month until I hit my one year mark! Thanks for reading!
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