Thursday, August 18, 2011

~Natural Hair~ Length Check- August 2011

So today I washed my hair. If you follow this blog, you know that I normally wash on Fridays or Mondays but I NEEDED this wash today. My scalp was dirty! :) I got up a little bit earlier than I had been getting up in the past few days and I watched a few YT vids. I saw a video by KinkyKurlyKham (Click Here) and she discussed how one goes about measuring their hair for length checks. I have never filmed or aired my length stats because I used body markers to indicate growth. Body markers, like my nose and chin to indicate growth.  But, she made some good points that made me realize that using this method may not be as accurate as I thought.

So, I washed my hair and took out a tape measure and here are my results:

Front- 5 inches
Left side- 5 inches
Right side- 5 inches
Back (middle)- 4 1/2 inches

Seems like my hair is pretty even. I have been trimming my own hair and since I have been natural, I have trimmed my hair 2x's and I think I may have cut off 1 1/2 inches. Yep, I got scissor happy! Didn't want no scraggly ends! Anywhoo, those are my stats for the month of August. Ill check back in October with my new stats!


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